January 2024: Suppliers and more
The Operandio team is full steam ahead for 2024, starting with the launch of the new Suppliers section — and a couple of other nifty features.
Manage your suppliers and vendors
The new Suppliers section allows you to track all the suppliers you're dealing with in your day-to-day business. You can add multiple contact details for each of your suppliers and build up a centralized contact database for your team.
Coming soon, we'll also be integrating them into response types so you can quickly select suppliers when completing jobs, as well as adding the option to add and manage supplier certifications.
We'll be rolling out Suppliers to all accounts shortly, but if you'd like to take a look before then, please get in touch.
Attach images and files to any step
You can now add images and files to any step in a job via the Add note/media button (previously called "Add note"). Images speak a thousand words, so the next time you need to leave a note on a job step, you'll be able to snap a few photos or attach a file and clearly communicate any issues relevant to the step.
New file submission response type
We've also introduced file uploads with the new File submission response type. When creating a new step in a process or audit, simply choose File submission in the Type of step field. Then, when you're working through the job, simply upload any files from your computer or device and they'll be ready to access come compliance time.
There's plenty more updates on the way! As always, if you have any questions or feedback on these new features, please get in touch with us at support@operandio.com and let us know.